Anique Yaminah

"The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers.  But above all, the world needs dreamers who do." - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Howard University student of Communication/Culture and African American Studies.  Sister,  fighter, writer and actionista. A pretty coal sitting uncomfortably under the world's pressures, yet enjoying the process of being made into a diamond.

Lover of : God, Truth, Justice, Peace, Family, Children, Music, Art, Service, Creativity, Food, Clothes, People, Community, The African Diaspora, Words

Wish List:  To Be Happily Nappy, Play Guitar Like John Mayer, Some Cash for Class,  Finish Graduate School Alive, World Peace through finding peace within Ourselves

A Dream: Lover, Wife, Mother, Author, Entrepreneur, Guitarist, Policy Maker,  Change Bringer, Mentor, Homeowner, Inspiration, Public Speaker, Spiritual Light,  Advocate, Community Worker,  Philanthropist,  World Traveler

Reach Out


Peace, Power, and Love.